Online Branding 25 April, 2023

What pops up when you google search your name? 🤔

What pops up when you google search your name? 🤔

Written by Sarafina

Think about it! When was the last time you searched your name on a search engine like Google? Do you know what shows up when your name search is done? If someone is searching your name online, the first page of the results should be filled with relevant results about you. If it isn’t, that’s a problem you need to fix. Take a second and google yourself. How do you look? Do your Google results reflect the reputation you've worked so hard to build offline?

Whether you like it or not, people are searching for your name online to learn more about you. Typical online screenings can range from informal Google name searches, to contracted third-party background checks. According to Brand Yourself:

  • 1 billion names are googled every day.
  • Only 50% of people own their first result - which is the most important.
  • About 1 in 4 people has no positive content at all on the first page for their Google name search.

Even more alarming, 15% of people have at least one negative result on the first page that’s damaging their reputation.

That means that if you aren’t googling yourself and controlling how you look on online, then you’re losing opportunities. The days of first impressions beginning with a handshake are over.

Knowing what shows up when your name is searched on Google can help you protect your online reputation. In the digital space, your name is your personal brand. In today’s blog post, we share with you 5 reasons why it’s important to monitor online activity, and how to control most, if not all of what shows up, in efforts to maintain a positive image of your personal brand online.

Most Recruiters do an online search of your name.

More than three-quarters of companies perform Google name searches for job applicants online prior to meeting them in person. Your personal social media profiles can potentially seriously affect your professional life. In a 2020 survey by The Harris Poll, 70% of the employers who responded said they believe every company should screen candidates’ social media profiles during the hiring process. Moreover, 78% of employers believe that current employees should maintain a work-appropriate social media profile.

Usually, if you are not too good at maintaining a presence (meaning you don’t have a blog or a website), the first results that should come up are your social media profiles. Most times the lead of these profiles is LinkedIn, which is very okay as LinkedIn is a professional social media platform. However, if you don’t want your social media profiles coming up, you can choose to go by a different name on social media. 

The other alternative would be that, if you choose to go by your name, which represents your personal brand on social media, ensure that you practice controlled posting. Generally, employers are looking for any red flags. These could include the sharing of illegal activities, offensive comments, violent or aggressive behavior, sexually explicit material, or confidential information. Avoid posting such material on your platform. You can also set your profiles to private mode. This way, no one outside approved followers has too much access to your personal information.


You get to monitor what people are saying about you online.

Knowing what comes up when your name is googled can help you monitor what people are saying about you online by allowing you to quickly and easily view the search results. This will give you an idea of the type of content that is being associated with your name. If you find any content that is inaccurate or inappropriate, you can reach out to the source to have it removed or corrected. If you can’t be able to get to the source, thank fully, Google also offers steps you can take to remove content that is inaccurate or inappropriate from your google name search results. Additionally, you can also use this research to help you identify any potential opportunities to improve your online presence and reputation.


You can build a positive image for yourself or your business.

Knowing what shows up when your name is googled can help you develop a positive image for yourself or your company by allowing you to change public perception of you or your company. If the results are poor, you can enhance them through strategies such as developing or optimizing your own website and other online presences, such as social media, to guarantee that the most positive results appear when your name is googled. You can also take efforts, such as using reputation management services, to erase or limit the appearance of any unfavorable results that appear.

Additionally, you can use proactive techniques, such as content marketing and creating relationships with other influential people in your sector, to guarantee that the most positive results appear when your name is googled.


You can easily identify any fraudulent activity or fake profiles associated with your name.

Knowing what comes up when you google your name can help you identify any fraudulent activities or phony profiles related with your name. You can discover any anomalies or strange activity in the search results by searching for your name on a frequent basis. If your name shows in association with websites or services you have never used previously, this could be a hint of a bogus profile or fraudulent conduct involving your name. Furthermore, if you come across any online profiles that use your name and photos but appear to be affiliated with someone else, this could be a symptom of fraud.

In addition to looking for your name, you should keep an eye out for any other questionable activity related with your name. For example, if someone is using your identity without your permission to collect donations or sell things, this should raise a red flag. Furthermore, any links to sites that appear strange or include content that is inappropriate for your identity could be a sign of fraudulent activity.

You can instantly spot any fraudulent activity or phony profiles related with your name by frequently monitoring it on Google. Furthermore, if you come across any suspicious activity, you can report it and take steps to protect your identity.


You stay ahead of any potential issues that could damage your reputation.

Being aware of what appears when your name is searched on Google can help you stay ahead of any potential difficulties that could harm your reputation in a variety of ways. For starters, it helps you to monitor your online presence and be aware of what information is being posted about you and by whom. This allows you to handle any faults or problems as soon as they arise, before they become publicly recognized. Second, it gives you more control over your online persona. You can ensure that when someone searches for your name, they will see content that is consistent with your desired image by proactively providing content that is positive and matches your ideal character. 

Finally, it allows you to be aware when someone searches your name and reply to any feedback or criticism in a timely manner. You may handle any possible difficulties head on by understanding the context and goal of the search and ensuring that any bad content is not associated with your name. You can safeguard and promote your online presence in a positive way by getting ahead of any potential concerns that could harm your reputation.

Take initiative today! Know what pops up when people search for you online!